Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go West, Young Man

For those who don't already know, we made our annual pilgrimage out to CA to visit friends and family.
We drove all night in hopes that Devin would sleep during the 12-hour drive. Normally I think he would have, but he decided to start teething that evening. Devin's Daddy and I couldn't figure out what was wrong, because there were no teeth on the horizon.
We landed in CA Friday morning and poor little Devin was so exhausted. I imagine it wasn't too fun for G'ma and G'pa!
Here's some of the things Devin did at our first stop:
Here's Devin with Cousins Kendall and Stephen

Devin realized G'ma has some pretty cool stuff in her kitchen!
Uncle Greg showed Devin how to be cool. I think it works.
Here's G'pa and Devin just playing like two little boys should.

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