Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I know, I know

I know it's been too long since I've updated the blog(I know, Grumpy. 3 times a day would be just perfect)!?! But I'll make it up to you in seven ways:

1. Devin can flush the toilet like a champ. He can't use the toilet. But he has no trouble flushing it while we are in the middle of using it.

2. Devin can walk up and down stairs like no body's business - just like a big boy

3. Devin sings along with me when I sing to him at night

4. Devin knows where his welly (belly), tongue, ears, socks, and head are. He also knows that whatever is asked of him, if he points to my nose and giggles he's in the clear

5. Devin can put most of his coat on himself

6. Devin can brush his teeth with his big boy toothbrush

and last but not least:

Now there, we're even! You're no longer allowed to be mad at me for waiting so long for an update!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Oh, he is getting to be such a big boy!! Cohen is quite a pro at flushing the toilet also, along with unrolling the toilet paper :)