Last night Devin felt Frank needed some love. Every time he crawled past Frank, he stopped to give a kiss, then he kept right on crawling.
It was pretty cute to see Devin's compassionate side, even if it was just to Frank!
He loves crawling through his tunnel - even if it is collapsed
Seems like just yesterday he was born. Now he's walking around with car keys!
Devin loves hanging out with Elmo and gang.
My little man - just being cheesy!
In other news, we're starting to pull everything together for our upcoming vacation. Devin sure does require a lot of "stuff". If vacation is so relaxing, why is getting ready for it just the opposite!?!
He obviously knows that this can lead to a life behind bars, if he's not careful!
Before I left to go back to work Devin and I read "That's Not My Puppy" - you might want to turn your sound down... the video is loud!
I just love Tuesdays!