Sunday, December 7, 2008

Devin's First Fight

Devin got into a fight with a pinecone. The pinecone won. Luckily, Devin doesn't seem to mind too much. Sure, there were a few tears in the beginning (and too much blood for my tastes), but he's happy and running around like it never happened. And just this afternoon he picked up a pinecone - so he must not have any hard feelings!


akg said...

Aw, poor kid. How on earth did he manage that?

Jenni said...

How funny, except for the tears and blood of course! I'm just wondering, how did this little fight with a pine cone start?

Anonymous said...

Awww, my baby got hurt. Where the heck was the keeper of all harmful things, who was supposed to keep the pinecone in the tree!!!!!