Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My sophisticated little boy

Devin's hit every milestone like he should with the exception of one. He didn't even try clapping his first year - much to my chagrin. Most babies clap before they crawl. I don't know why, but they do. Devin did not. He was always fascinated when I clapped, but had no interest in doing it himself. The doctor's not worried, so neither was I. But I always wondered why.
And then last night I found out why. Devin didn't want to clap all wild and crazy like. He saved up his clapping until he could get it just right. Devin claps as though he were some sophisticated old man. he has this quiet, gentle golf-style clap. And he raises his arms, claps at eye level, and does so while puffing out his chest as though he were at the opera. It is the most adorable thing in the world! I'll have to try and get it on video for the world to see.
So Devin taught me yet another lesson. Who cares what all the baby books say - Devin will do his work in his own time!?! And it's truly worth the wait!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

How funny I can picture the sophisticated clapping Devin in my head :) Cohen took forever to clap also.